Crate btleplug[][src]

Expand description

BtlePlug is a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) central module library for Rust. It currently supports Windows 10, macOS (and possibly iOS), Linux (using BlueZ sockets instead of D-Bus). Android support is coming in a future update.


An example of how to use the library to control some BLE smart lights:

use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
use rand::{Rng, thread_rng};
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
use btleplug::bluez::{adapter::Adapter, manager::Manager};
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
use btleplug::winrtble::{adapter::Adapter, manager::Manager};
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
use btleplug::corebluetooth::{adapter::Adapter, manager::Manager};
use btleplug::api::{bleuuid::uuid_from_u16, Central, Peripheral, WriteType};
use uuid::Uuid;

const LIGHT_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID: Uuid = uuid_from_u16(0xFFE9);

// adapter retreival works differently depending on your platform right now.
// API needs to be aligned.

pub fn main() {
    let manager = Manager::new().unwrap();

    // get the first bluetooth adapter
    let adapters = manager.adapters().unwrap();
    let central = adapters.into_iter().nth(0).unwrap();

    // start scanning for devices
    // instead of waiting, you can use central.event_receiver() to fetch a channel and
    // be notified of new devices

    // find the device we're interested in
    let light = central.peripherals().into_iter()
            .any(|name| name.contains("LEDBlue"))).unwrap();

    // connect to the device

    // discover characteristics

    // find the characteristic we want
    let chars = light.characteristics();
    let cmd_char = chars.iter().find(|c| c.uuid == LIGHT_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID).unwrap();

    // dance party
    let mut rng = thread_rng();
    for _ in 0..20 {
        let color_cmd = vec![0x56, rng.gen(), rng.gen(), rng.gen(), 0x00, 0xF0, 0xAA];
        light.write(&cmd_char, &color_cmd, WriteType::WithoutResponse).unwrap();



Type Definitions